Privacy Policy

Egypt Tilawat Academy highly values the privacy of both teachers and students. Personal information is treated with strict confidentiality and may not be disclosed, copied, or used under any circumstances.

Free Trial Class

Our trial class is completely free, with no obligations attached. Students are welcome to decide whether to continue after the trial based on their experience. A student can also have another trial class if he is not satisfied with the teacher's method of teaching.

Payment Policy

After the free trial class, payment should be done in advance. Payment is required at the beginning of each month. Failure to submit payment before the 6th will result in suspension of classes until payment is received.

Refund Policy

Students can at any time request a refund for any classes not attended during the month. And the Academy must refund him with the due payment.

Attendance Policy

To cancel or reschedule a class, the student should inform the support team or the teacher at least 4 hours before the class time. If a student is absent without prior notice, the teacher can leave at half-time without arranging a makeup class.

Students Over 14 Years Old

Male students aged 14 and above are paired with male teachers, while female students are paired with female teachers. Students under 14 may be assigned teachers based on parental preference.